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    Through the power of gifts...

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  • Thousands Of Quality Gifts

    Saves £'s on High Street Prices

  • A Family Business...

    Supplying family gifts

Christmas Is Coming...



Visit us throughout the year and select one of our wonderful gifts with the knowledge that you are also helping to fund a worthy cause or charity.   By default 10% of every sale goes to Cancer research - Our family has been touched by cancer as have most families in some way so this was our starting point. If however you have a local school, club, society or good cause you want to support now is the time to start making a change - every time you purchase a gift from our store they will receive 10% of the sale value. We hope you love the idea - we do and so do many of our customers!



Crystal Blocks With Light Stands Make Stunning Gifts For Literally All Ages

October 15, 2015

Crystal blocks make gorgeous gifts which have to be seen in the flesh to be fully appreciated.

This "rose" crystal block is loved by our daughter (10) who uses it as a beautiful night light.

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